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Baitwatan Terms and Conditions

Before proceeding to purchase anything in Baitwatan, it is essential to understand the conditions set by the authority for Baitwatan regarding land, buildings, apartments, floors, etc. In this article, we will detail the Baitwatan terms and conditions.

Baitwatan Terms and Conditions

Baitwatan Terms and Conditions

Building Specifications in Baitwatan

  1. Building Ratio:
  • Should not exceed 50% of the land area.
  1. Setbacks:
  • For lands in cities (Sadat, Shorouk, New Damietta) as follows:
    • Lands less than 600 m²: Minimum setbacks of 3 meters front, 3 meters side, 5 meters rear.
    • Lands 600 m² and above: Minimum setbacks of 3 meters front, 3 meters side, 6 meters rear.
    • An increased design allowance for setbacks: Side setbacks can be adjusted from 3 meters to 2.75 meters for a land frontage of 20 meters or more, and to 2.5 meters for a land frontage less than 20 meters.
  • Setbacks should be prioritized over building ratio, with adherence to the maximum building ratio allowed only after applying setbacks.
  • Setbacks for lands in cities (Sadat, Shorouk, New Damietta): Minimum of 3 meters front, 3 meters side, 4 meters rear.
  1. Building Height:
  • Ground + 3 floors in cities (Obour, Shorouk, Sadat, New Cairo).
  • Ground + 5 floors in cities (Sheikh Zayed, 6th October).
  • Ground + 2 floors in New Damietta.
  • Basements for permitted activities (e.g., parking garages) are allowed.
  1. Number of Units:
  • Two residential units per floor for lands with areas less than or equal to 950 m², with a maximum of three units per floor for lands greater than 950 m².
  • Minimum of one parking space per residential unit, complying with Egyptian parking codes.
  • Compliance with the Unified Building Law No. 119 of 2008 and its executive regulations and amendments.
  1. Premium Ratios:
  • 5% for lands facing corners.
  • 5% for lands overlooking gardens.
  • 15% for lands overlooking the sea.
  • Premium ratios will be reviewed and verified on-site for all lands allocated before completing the allocation and contracting procedures by the relevant city authority.

Important Notes:

Architectural style and facade colors will be standardized for each area (except lands in Shorouk) as determined by the city authority at the time of licensing.

Land areas are subject to variation; actual delivery is based on the physical site as per the Baitwatan terms.

Compliance with the maximum building height restrictions imposed by the military in the area.

Electricity room and transformer locations are not finalized.

Lands are delivered upon provision of necessary infrastructure (paved road, water source).

The land description document for each city includes the expected delivery date, starting from the date of providing necessary infrastructure as mentioned.

Baitwatan Terms and Conditions: Real Estate Specifications (Residential Lands)

Clause 1: General Project Conditions

  • Lands will be allocated to the concerned party or their representative at the scheduled time announced in the land delivery program published in daily newspapers or on the project’s website. The collection of land installment payments will commence after the payment of the down payment, in addition to 1% administrative fees and 0.5% city board fees of the total land price. This will be documented in a delivery report signed by the Urban Communities Authority officials and the concerned party or their representative, based on the prepared model. The power of attorney must be a specific power of attorney or an official general power of attorney designated for this purpose.
  • Failure to take delivery at the specified time will be considered as a waiver of the allocation, and cancellation rules will apply.

Clause 2: Cancellation of Allocation

  • Before Taking Delivery:
  • If allocation is canceled before taking delivery, 1% administrative fees and 0.5% city board fees will be deducted from the total land price.
  • After Taking Delivery:
  • If allocation is canceled after taking delivery, a fee equivalent to 0.5% of the total land price (annually) from the date of delivery until the date of recovery will be deducted, in addition to the deductions mentioned in Clause 2/A.

Clause 3: Transfer of Land to Third Parties

  • The transfer of residential land in the cities must:
  • Be executed and signed in the presence of the designated city authority employee by the transferor and transferee or their representatives, based on an official power of attorney (general/specific) specifying the transfer of the land plot and its number. The original power of attorney will be kept in the client’s file, and administrative fees must be paid according to the applicable real estate regulations and their amendments.
  • The full price of the land must be paid.
  • Complete the construction of at least one residential floor with a habitable unit, complete the perimeter wall, and finish the façade according to the building permit issued for the land plot.

Clause 4: Official Correspondence

  • All correspondence from the city authority to the concerned party will be legally binding if sent to the email address provided in the registration form on the project’s website.

For more details, refer to the Baitwatan terms and conditions.

Baitwatan Terms and Conditions: Cancellation of Allocation (Residential Lands)

Procedures for canceling allocation and withdrawing a land plot will be implemented in the following cases according to the applicable real estate regulations:

Clause 1:

  • Based on the request of the concerned party.

Clause 2:

  • Failure to pay two consecutive installments of the total land price.

Clause 3:

  • Non-compliance with the specified timelines for taking delivery of the land and construction, as follows:
  • Taking delivery of the land within the period specified in the land delivery program.
  • Completing the building permits and construction within 5 years from the date of delivery.

Clause 4:

  • Any form of disposal of the land to third parties without prior written approval from the first party, under the conditions stated in Clause 3 of the real estate regulations.

Clause 5:

  • Changing the purpose for which the land was allocated, or subdividing or dividing the land without obtaining approval from the New Urban Communities Authority.

Baitwatan Terms and Conditions: Financial Requirements (Residential Land)

Payment Method

  1. Down Payment: 25% of the total price (Note: No additional amounts from previous confirmed reservations in earlier phases can be used).
  2. Remaining Balance: To be paid in five annual installments with bank interest applied on the remaining balance at a rate of 3.5% per annum. The first installment must be paid within one month from the date of receiving the land.
  3. Dollar Rate: The equivalent in dollars for both the installment and interest will be calculated at the exchange rate on the due date of the installment.
  4. Late Payment Penalties: Any delays in paying the installment or interest will incur penalties based on the rate applicable on the day of payment.
  5. Payment Instructions: Payments must be made within Egypt according to the instructions from the Central Bank of Egypt.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to the real estate regulations set by the New Urban Communities Authority is required.

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